computer education – Online Courses with Diploma Certificates at Low Cost An ISO Certified Autonomous Institution Registered under Government of India Thu, 01 Feb 2024 06:27:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Certificate in Scratch Programming Tue, 04 Feb 2020 10:21:29 +0000 Scratch is the computer programming language that makes it easy and fun to create interactive stories. games and animations and share them online. This course is an introduction to computer science using the programming language Scratch. Join us as you start your computer science journey.]]> Course Name: Certificate in Scratch Programming
Course Id: CSP/Q1001.
Education Qualification: 12th Pass.

Duration: 90 Hrs.

How You will Get Diploma Certificate:

Step 1- Select your Course for Certification.

Step 2- Click on Enroll Now.

Step 3- Proceed to Enroll Now.

Step 4- Fill Your Billing Details and Proceed to Pay.

Step 5- You Will be Redirected to Payment Gateway, Pay Course and Exam Fee by Following Options.

Card(Debit/Credit), Wallet, Paytm, Net banking, UPI and Google pay.

Step 6- After Payment You will receive Study Material on your email id.

Step 7- After Completion of  Course Study give Online Examination.

Step 8- After Online Examination you will get Diploma Certificate soft copy(Scan Copy) and Hard Copy(Original With Seal and Sign).

Step 9- After Certification you will receive Prospect Job Opportunities as per your Interest Area.

Online Examination Detail:

Duration- 60 minutes.
No. of Questions- 30. (Multiple Choice Questions).
Maximum Marks- 100, Passing Marks- 40%.
There is no negative marking in this module.

Benefits of Certification:

  • Government Authorized Assessment Agency Certification.
  • Certificate Valid for Lifetime.
  • Lifetime Verification of Certificate.
  • Free Job Assistance as per your Interest Area.


Certificate in Scratch Programming
Drawing with Scratch
 Spiral Rider
 Super Dodge ball
 Space opera
 Physical Computing with Scratch
 Making and sharing projects


Drawing with Scratch

Understanding coordinates, changing a sprite’s position, using the pen, drawing a house in scratch, using directions to move, keeping sprites upright, drawing using directions, making shapes using repeat, putting loops inside loops, creating rainbow painter, writing on the stage, designing the evil robot, creating the variables, animating the main game code, creating lists, using lists. setting up the variables, creating the game board.

Spiral Rider

Introducing spiral rider, using the green flag, creating variables, drawing a spiral, changing the backdrop, adding sprites, animating the crab, enabling keyboard control, making the fish move, adding game over messages, Inroducing evil robot, imploring the images, making a block for speech, making the alphabet sprite.

Super Dodge ball

Introducing super dodgeball, setting up the variables, preparing for the game start, using coordinates to move, adding more images, Making the ball, Copying and cloning sprites, Adding the energy meter, painting in scratch, creating the ice cream, making the ice cream appear, enabling the player to score, tweaking the game play Introducing quiz break, preparing for quiz break, drawing the time, using broadcasts, testing out broadcasts,

Space opera

Introducing space opera, playing sounds, adding the electric guitar, using costumes, adding graphic effects, adding the drum, adding the singer, playing music in scratch, adding the synthesizer, making your own tunes, London bridge, Inroducing quiz break, preparing for quiz break, drawing the time, using broadcasts, testing out broadcasts, moving the clock hand, adding a rising sound effect.

Physical Computing with Scratch,

What is physical computing? using a webcam, using video direction, going batty, Making a clap-o-meter, using a sense hat, introducing feeding time, creating the cat’s scripts, adding the dinosaur scripts, setting up a micro:bit using a micro bit, introducing balloon floater, drawing the cave, coding the balloon, coding the buttons, using the raspberry pi GPIO.

Making and sharing projects

Making your own programs, fixing common errors, sharing your projects, resources & acknowledgements, what is Scratch? Meet Scratch, Creating a Scratch account, Using the Scratch screen, Using Scratch on tablets, Exploring the blocks, Changing the backdrop, Creating your first program, Saving your project, Opening projects , Opening shared projects.

Advance Diploma in Multimedia Application Mon, 27 Jan 2020 09:07:43 +0000 Course Name: Advance Diploma in Multimedia Application

Course Id: ADMA/Q1001.
Education Qualification: 10th Pass.

Duration: 370 Hrs.

How You will Get Diploma Certificate:

Step 1- Select your Course for Certification.

Step 2- Click on Enroll Now.

Step 3- Proceed to Enroll Now.

Step 4- Fill Your Billing Details and Proceed to Pay.

Step 5- You Will be Redirected to Payment Gateway, Pay Course and Exam Fee by Following Options.

Card(Debit/Credit), Wallet, Paytm, Net banking, UPI and Google pay.

Step 6- After Payment You will receive Study Material on your email id.

Step 7- After Completion of  Course Study give Online Examination.

Step 8- After Online Examination you will get Diploma Certificate soft copy(Scan Copy) and Hard Copy(Original With Seal and Sign).

Step 9- After Certification you will receive Prospect Job Opportunities as per your Interest Area.

Online Examination Detail:

  • Duration- 120 minutes.
  • No. of Questions- 60. (Multiple Choice Questions).
  • 10 Questions from each module, each carry 10 marks.
  • Maximum Marks- 600, Passing Marks- 40%.
  • There is no negative marking in this module.
How Students will be Graded:
S.No. Marks Grade
1 91-100 O (Outstanding)
2 81-90 A (Excellent)
3 71-80 A (Very Good)
4 61-70 B (Good)
5 51-60 C (Average)
6 41-50 P (Pass)
7 0-40 F (Fail)

Benefits of Certification:

  • Government Authorized Assessment Agency Certification.
  • Certificate Valid for Lifetime.
  • Lifetime Verification of Certificate.
  • Free Job Assistance as per your Interest Area.



Advance Diploma in Multimedia Application
Commercial & Digital Illustrations

The computer as a visualization tool, Traditional vs. computer graphics techniques, choosing the right software program, The design process, Thumbnails, comps, presentation, criticism, evaluation, refinement, and production, File storage and retrieval considerations, Computer image output, Color models, Object distortion, Transparency, Eye dropper/paint bucket, Appearances, Symbols and instances, Styles, Effects, Pressure sensitive tools, Preferences, Layers, Customizing color palettes and swatches, Global vs. local color, Color calibration theory/reality, Linked or embedded, File formats.

Advanced Artistry & Layout

Recognition and progression, Supporting teachers, print making, three-dimensional design, photography, digital and lens-based media, graphic communication, textiles and fashion, Three-dimensional design, Theatre design/set design, Environmental/architectural design, Product design, Craft design, Assignments and Problem-Solving Activities, Assessment and Evaluation, Graphic Design and Communication, Drawing for Designers, Basic Typography, Digital Design, Revitalization of Arts & Crafts, Basic Digital Media, Theory of Graphic Design, Theory of Advertising, Visual communication & Media.

Prepress & Production

Catalog description, measurable outcomes for students, Electronic press process, Communication for design process through printing, overall printing considerations, functions and appropriate uses, Consistency via the grid (margins, gutters, bleeds), Making use of standard sizes of presses, paper, Uses and limitations of reverse type, overprinting type, hairline elements, Scanners, Press (dot gain), Place holder images, Technical aspects of pre-press color work, Basic one- and two-color printing, Multi-color printing, Color separation, Choosing and specifying appropriate fonts, Choosing and specifying post-press options.

Core Web Design & Connectivity

Teaching Strategies, Labs and Programming Environment, Course Planner, Web Browsers, The Language of “Mark-up”, File Naming and Extensions,     Root Directories, Home Pages, Essential HTML Symbols, HTML File Layout, Header Elements, Body Elements, Highlighting Content, Organizing Content, External Cascading Style Sheets, Margins and Padding, Arranging Containers, Positioning Nested Elements, Playing with Layers, Floating Positions, Design Principles, Styling the Banner, Creating Custom Bullets, Styling Navigation Bars, Finding and Editing Images, Adding Images, Positioning and Styling Photos, Finishing Touches for Tables.

Interactive Multimedia & Web Marketing

Introduction to Web Technologies, Careers in Web Technologies and Job Roles, How the Website Works? Client Side Scripting and Server Side Scripting, Domains and Hosting, Static Website Designing, Dynamic Websites and Web Apps, Web Standards and W3C recommendations, PHP MySQL Web Developer Syllabus, Understanding HTML, What is Markup Language, Basic Structure of HTML, Meta Tags, External Link Tags, HTML Structure Tags, Difference between HTML & XHTML, Content and Header Tags, Paragraph, Span, Pre Tags, Anchor Links and Named Anchors, Working with HTML Forms, Form Tag and Attributes.

Advanced Video Graphics

Animating Imported Vector Graphics, Converting Imported Vectors to Shape Layers, Creating and Animating Native Shape Layers, Using Expressions to Optimize the Animation Process, Animating Repeating Shapes with Shape Effects, Troubleshooting Converted Shape Layers, Mastering Text Animation, Working with Dingbat Fonts, Using Content Aware Fill for Video, Creating and Tracking Masks, Position, Scale & Rotation, Screen Replacement, Using the 3D Camera Tracker, Integrating Graphics Into a Live Video Scene, Job opportunities, Scheme of Instructions & Examinations, Supporting Hardware & Software, Collaborating Intuitions for curriculum transaction, Vertical Mobility.

Certificate in Data Entry Operator (DEO) Mon, 21 Oct 2019 11:19:43 +0000 Data Entry Operators, DEO are usually responsible for entering data into different computer databases, manage and maintain. effective record keeping. In addition, they may be responsible for organizing files, collecting and managing data to be entered into the computer.]]> Course Name: Certificate in Data Entry Operator(DEO)

Course Id: DEO/Q0001.
Education Qualification: 10th Class.

Duration: 90 Hrs.

How You will Get Diploma Certificate:

Step 1- Select your Course for Certification.

Step 2- Click on Enroll Now.

Step 3- Proceed to Enroll Now.

Step 4- Fill Your Billing Details and Proceed to Pay.

Step 5- You Will be Redirected to Payment Gateway, Pay Course and Exam Fee by Following Options.

Card(Debit/Credit), Wallet, Paytm, Net banking, UPI and Google pay.

Step 6- After Payment You will receive Study Material on your email id.

Step 7- After Completion of  Course Study give Online Examination.

Step 8- After Online Examination you will get Diploma Certificate soft copy(Scan Copy) and Hard Copy(Original With Seal and Sign).

Step 9- After Certification you will receive Prospect Job Opportunities as per your Interest Area.

Online Examination Detail:

Duration- 60 minutes.
No. of Questions- 30. (Multiple Choice Questions).
Maximum Marks- 100, Passing Marks- 40%.
There is no negative marking in this module.

Benefits of Certification:

  • Government Authorized Assessment Agency Certification.
  • Certificate Valid for Lifetime.
  • Lifetime Verification of Certificate.
  • Free Job Assistance as per your Interest Area.

Syllabus Detail

Certificate in Data Entry Operator (DEO)

  • Basics of Computer
  • Operating System
  • Word Processing and Formatting Documents
  • Mail Merge
  • Basics of Spreadsheet and Formatting
  • Formula, Functions and Chart
Diploma in Computer Application(DCA) Course Tue, 10 Sep 2019 08:54:16 +0000 Diploma in Computer Applications is a diploma course to study computer applications in depth. The course imparts scientific, practical and technical knowledge to its learners about various computer tools that are used in day to day life. Computer Course DCA Government Job Valid Certificate.]]> Course Name: Diploma in Computer Applications(DCA)

Course Id: DCA/Q0001.
Education Qualification: 10th Class.

Duration: 370 hrs.

DCA Course Syllabus

  • Computer Fundamentals
  • PC Packages (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Database Using FoxPro and MS Access
  • IT Trends , Internet and E-Commerce
  • Multimedia with Corel Draw
  • DTP With Page Maker And Photoshop

How You will Get Diploma Certificate:

Step 1- Select your Course for Certification.

Step 2- Click on Enroll Now.

Step 3- Proceed to Enroll Now.

Step 4- Fill Your Billing Details and Proceed to Pay.

Step 5- You Will be Redirected to Payment Gateway, Pay Course and Exam Fee by Following Options.

Card(Debit/Credit), Wallet, Paytm, Net banking, UPI and Google pay.

Step 6- After Payment You will receive Study Material on your email id.

Step 7- After Completion of  Course Study give Online Examination.

Step 8- After Online Examination you will get Diploma Certificate soft copy(Scan Copy) and Hard Copy(Original With Seal and Sign).

Step 9- After Certification you will receive Prospect Job Opportunities as per your Interest Area.

Online Examination Detail:

  • Duration- 120 minutes.
  • No. of Questions- 60. (Multiple Choice Questions).
  • 10 Questions from each module, each carry 10 marks.
  • Maximum Marks- 600, Passing Marks- 40%.
  • There is no negative marking in this module.
How Students will be Graded:
S.No. Marks Grade
1 91-100 O (Outstanding)
2 81-90 A (Excellent)
3 71-80 A (Very Good)
4 61-70 B (Good)
5 51-60 C (Average)
6 41-50 P (Pass)
7 0-40 F (Fail)

Benefits of Certification:

  • Government Authorized Assessment Agency Certification.
  • Certificate Valid for Lifetime.
  • Lifetime Verification of Certificate.
  • Free Job Assistance as per your Interest Area.



DCA- Computer Fundamentals

Brief history of development of computer, computer system concepts, Basic component of computer, control unit, ALU, Input/output, semiconductor memory function and characteristics, Memory-RAM, ROM, EPROM, PROM and other types of memory, Capabilities and limitation, Generation of computers, Analog and Digital Hybrid Computers, General and Special of Computer, Types Of Computer –Micro, Mini, Mainframe, Supercomputers.

Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Trackball, Joystick, Scanners, Digitizing tablet, Digital Camera, MICR, OCR, OMR, Light Pen, Barcode and Barcode Reader, Quick Response Code (QR Code), Voice Recognition, Touch Screen.

Storage Fundamentals – Primary Vs Secondary Data Storage and Retrieval Methods – Sequential, Direct and Index Sequential, Various Storage Devices – Magnetic Disks, Hard Disk Drives, Floppy, Disks, Zip Drive, Optical Disks.

Types of Software – System Software, Application Software, System Software – Operating System – definition and function, Device Drivers and Utilities Programs, Introduction and Features of DOS, Windows, Programming language, Machine, Assembly, High Level.

Types Of Network-LAN, WAN, MAN, Internet, VPN etc. Component of LAN-Media, NIC, NOS, Network device- Bridges, HUB, Routers, Repeater, Gateways Uses, advantages and disadvantages.

DCA-PC Packages (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

 Operating System, Basic Operation-How to start a computer, login, logoff, hibernate, Shutdown etc, Personalizing Desktop-Desktop Background, Icon, Screen Saver, Themes, Setting Date and time, Task bar, Files and Folders, Create, Copy, Rename, Moving and Delete Files and Folders, Create and Using Shortcuts, Recycle Bin. Accessories-MS Paint, Notepad, WordPad, Windows Media Player, calculator, Games, Math input panel.

MS Word Basic: Introduction to MS Office, Introduction to MS Word, Formatting your Text and Documents: Auto Format, Paragraph and Page Formatting, Line spacing, Margins, Borders and Shading, Tab and Indents, Bullets, Numbering, Working with Styles, Printing and Various Print Option, Working With Headers and Footers, Tables: Creating a simple Table.

MS Excel Spreadsheet Basic and Features, Concept of Workbook and Worksheet, Entering and editing Numbers, Removing and Resizing of Rows and Columns, entering and editing Formulas, Referencing cells, moving cells, copying cells, sorting cell data, inserting rows, inserting cells, inserting columns.

Formatting: Page setup, Cell Formatting, Changing column width and row heights, auto format, changing font sizes and attributes, centering text across column, using border buttons and commands, changing colors and shading, hiding rows and columns, Working with data and ranges, Column Freezing, Labels, Hiding, splitting, merging etc. Working with MS PowerPoint, columns and List, Working with PowerPoint Objects.

DCA – Database Using Fox Pro and MS Access

 The RDBMS for PC, Concept of database, Fox Pro – Versions, Features, requirement of Hardware and Software Fox Pro- Menu System, Working with Fox Pro creating Database file some common operation on data-CREATE, LIST, APPEND, CLOSE, QUIT, Fox Pro- Data Types Viewing and Editing Data, Data Displaying commands-LIST, DISPLAY, LOCATE, EDIT, CHANGE, BROWSE, REPLACE, DELETE, RECALL, PACK ( All Commands with various Option). Memory Variables, Date and Time Functions and, Keyboard Macros, Memory Variables-creation and uses, Simple Vs Array Saving and Restoring Memory Variables.

Introduction To database- What is a Database, why use a Relation Database, Concept of Primary Key relationship, Introduction to MS Access (Objects, Navigation). Create a Table in MS Access- Data Types, Field Properties, Fields: names, types, properties- -default values, Format, caption, validation rules Data Entry, Add record, delete record And edit text, sort, find/replace, and filter/select, rearrange columns, Freeze columns. Edit a Tables- copy, delete, import, modify table Structure, find, replace.

DCA – IT Trends, Internet and E-Commerce

Multimedia Definition and concept, Multimedia Elements- Text, Images, sound, Animation and video, Multimedia Hardware and Software Requirement. Introduction to Wireless LAN, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Wimax mobile Technology, 2G, 3G, 4G services, IMEI, SIM,IP Telephony, soft phone, voice mail, Ad-hoc and sensor network, GIS,  ISP Mobile computing, cellular system cell, Mobile Switching office, Hands off, Base station.

Introduction to Internet – Internet Evolution, Word Wide Web (WWW), Advantages and Disadvantages, Internet Vs Intranet, Application of internet, Basic Operation Using Internet Browser- Working with browsers, view History in Browser, HTML- concepts Of Hypertext, Versions of HTML, Element of HTML.

DCA – Multimedia with Coral Draw

 Graphics in Multimedia, Importance of graphics in multimedia, Vector and Raster Graphics, Image Capturing Method Scanner, Digital Camera etc. Introduction to Corel Draw, Usage and Advantages.

DCA – DTP with PageMaker & Photoshop

 Introduction to desktop publishing (DTP), History, Definition, Need And area of Application, Difference between a word processor and Publication software, uses and importance of DTP in publication and Newspaper printing, Various DTP software’s, Introduction to offset Technology, Adobe Page Maker – Introduction to page maker, Aldus And adobe page maker, previous and current version of page maker, Page maker as a DTP Software, Attribute setting: Tools, Styles, Menus, Alignments, Grids, Guides etc. Introduction to adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Documents, Various Graphic files and Extension- JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF, BMP, PSD, CDR, SVG, etc.,   Graphics Files: Vector Image and Raster Images. Definition, Feature, Area of Application etc.
