Course Id: DDM/Q1001.
Education Qualification: 10th Pass.
Duration: 370 Hrs.
How You will Get Diploma Certificate:
Step 1- Select your Course for Certification.
Step 2- Click on Enroll Now.
Step 3- Proceed to Enroll Now.
Step 4- Fill Your Billing Details and Proceed to Pay.
Step 5- You Will be Redirected to Payment Gateway, Pay Course and Exam Fee by Following Options.
Card(Debit/Credit), Wallet, Paytm, Net banking, UPI and Google pay.
Step 6- After Payment You will receive Study Material on your email id.
Step 7- After Completion of Course Study give Online Examination.
Step 8- After Online Examination you will get Diploma Certificate soft copy(Scan Copy) and Hard Copy(Original With Seal and Sign).
Step 9- After Certification you will receive Prospect Job Opportunities as per your Interest Area.
Online Examination Detail:
How Students will be Graded: | ||
S.No. | Marks | Grade |
1 | 91-100 | O (Outstanding) |
2 | 81-90 | A (Excellent) |
3 | 71-80 | A (Very Good) |
4 | 61-70 | B (Good) |
5 | 51-60 | C (Average) |
6 | 41-50 | P (Pass) |
7 | 0-40 | F (Fail) |
Benefits of Certification:
Introduction – the necessity of studying Disaster Management (DM); the scope for a Disaster Manager, Disaster – Definition; Types of disasters; History of disasters; Components of disaster; Dimension of disasters; Phases of disaster, Hazard – Definition; types of hazards; characteristic features, occurrence and impact of different types of hazards viz. natural hazards (including geo hazards), human induced hazards, environmental hazards, bio hazards; Hazard map of India, Vulnerability – Definition; Types of vulnerability – physical vulnerability, socioeconomic vulnerability, vulnerability related to gender and age, rural & urban vulnerability; Vulnerability analysis with special reference to India, Disaster Risk – Definition; Significance; Factors of disaster risk; Disaster Risk analysis (with special reference to the Indian context) – Inter-relationship between Hazard, Vulnerability and Disaster Risk; Global disaster risk situation; Disaster risk situation of India; Hazard-Vulnerability maps of India; Case studies, Disaster Management – Definition; Components of DM; Crisis Management; Risk Management; Disaster Management Cycle; Impact of disaster on development; UNISDR mandate in Disaster Relief & Management; IDNDR; Yokohama Strategy and Hyogo Framework – a ‘Paradigm shift’ in disaster management policy (policy for reduction of disaster consequences); India’s response to changes in DM Policy.
Assessing Disaster Risk – Disaster Risk and Damage potential of disasters; Case studies on some major disasters and Lessons learnt there from (identification of the gaps causing the disasters); Assessment of Disaster Risk, Ways of minimizing disaster risk – Preparedness, Mitigation and Prevention – definition, specific interventions required for each, procedure to be followed and role of various stakeholders in each, Disaster Risk Management (DRM) plan – Preparing Hazard-Vulnerability profile; Stakeholder analysis; Disaster risk assessment; Incorporation of Preparedness, Mitigation and Prevention plans, Implementing DRM plan – Sharing DRM plan with all stakeholders; Division of Roles and responsibilities as per DRM plan; Resource mobilization; Monitoring and Evaluation, Role of Risk transfer and insurance in DRM.
Crisis Management – Rescue, relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction; Crisis Management plan; Case studies, Emergency response – Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) for disaster response; Information Management System; Warning Dissemination; Evacuation; Search and Rescue operations; Relief operations; Emergency Operation Center (EOC); Resource Management & Networking – India Disaster Resource Network; Role of Disaster Response Forces and Community Based Organizations (CBO) in emergency response mechanism, Relief Operations – Arranging for Temporary shelter, Food, Safe drinking water, Sanitation and Medical aids; Role of NGOs and Health workers in relief operations; Maintaining law and order, Recovery- Decisions and actions related to rehabilitation and reconstruction taken after a disaster with a view to restoring or improving the pre-disaster living conditions of the affected community, while encouraging and facilitating necessary adjustments to reduce disaster risk, Reconstruction – Repair and reconstruction of roads, bridges, crossways, buildings, structures and establishments damaged or destroyed in the disaster; Restoration of operations of the service sector, Documentation – Documenting disaster; Lessons learnt; Updating DRM Plan for risk mitigation.
Earthquake Risk Mitigation – Earthquake, its Causes and Characteristic features; Magnitude and Intensity of earthquake; Major earthquakes; Seismic zoning; Earthquake vulnerability of India; Earthquake risk mitigation – Seismic performance examination of RCC Buildings, Flood Risk Mitigation – Causes of Flood; Major floods; Flood vulnerability of India; Flood preparedness and mitigation, Cyclone Risk Mitigation – Causes of Cyclone; its characteristics; Cyclone vulnerability of India; Cyclone preparedness; Forecast and early warning dissemination, Drought Risk Mitigation – Causes and characteristics of Drought; drought vulnerability of India; Drought preparedness and Mitigation.
Earthquake Risk & Impart – Examples -Japan & Sikkim; Gap between perception of people & administration; Motivating preparedness Actions; Post Disaster Recovery Experience Gujarat; Mode Drill for public, Flood Risk Management: Rising Flood Damage; Climate variability & change; Unprecedented Demographic changes; Increasing Environmental courses; Assessing Flood Risks; Typology of Flood Risk; Flood impact Assessment, Framework for preparedness & mitigation: Acceptable Risk & Total Risk; Early warning & Communication; Community based disaster Preparedness; Risk transfer and Risk financing; Capacity Development training ; Awareness & Education; Contingency plans.
Impart of climate Disasters; Potential impacts of climate change on Agriculture; Vulnerability of agriculture – strategies for reduction : Disaster prevention & preparedness Drought; Mitigation; for climate disasters; Mitigation & preparedness strategy for agriculture, Examples; Farmers’ Adaptation to climate change on agriculture, Elements detail; Productive functions of Forest resources (including socioeconomic functions); Forests, Deforestation & climate change; Desertification & Deforestation; Flooding & Deforestation; Lessons from Forest Management & Disaster Risk Reduction, Definitions; Understanding Risk of Urban Elements; Urban Risk Reduction.