Health and Environment Management course – Online Courses with Diploma Certificates at Low Cost An ISO Certified Autonomous Institution Registered under Government of India Mon, 31 Jul 2023 13:31:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Advance Diploma in Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Management Mon, 01 Aug 2022 06:24:05 +0000 Course Name: Advance Diploma in Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Management

Course Id: ADOSH&EM/Q1001.
Education Qualification: 12th Pass.
Duration: 370 Hrs.

How You will Get Diploma Certificate:

Step 1- Select your Course for Certification.

Step 2- Click on Enroll Now.

Step 3- Proceed to Enroll Now.

Step 4- Fill Your Billing Details and Proceed to Pay.

Step 5- You Will be Redirected to Payment Gateway, Pay Course and Exam Fee by Following Options.

Card(Debit/Credit), Wallet, Paytm, Net banking, UPI and Google pay.

Step 6- After Payment You will receive Study Material and Online Examination link on your email id.

Step 7- After Completion of  Course Study give Online Examination.

Step 8- After Online Examination you will get Diploma Certificate soft copy(Scan Copy) and Hard Copy(Original With Seal and Sign).

Step 9- After Certification you will receive Prospect Job Opportunities as per your Interest Area.

Online Examination Detail:

  • Duration- 120 minutes.
  • No. of Questions- 60. (Multiple Choice Questions).
  • 10 Questions from each module, each carry 10 marks.
  • Maximum Marks- 600, Passing Marks- 40%.
  • There is no negative marking in this module.
How Students will be Graded:
S.No. Marks Grade
1 91-100 O (Outstanding)
2 81-90 A (Excellent)
3 71-80 A (Very Good)
4 61-70 B (Good)
5 51-60 C (Average)
6 41-50 P (Pass)
7 0-40 F (Fail)

Benefits of Certification:

  • Government Authorized Assessment Agency Certification.
  • Certificate Valid for Lifetime.
  • Lifetime Verification of Certificate.
  • Free Job Assistance as per your Interest Area.


Advance Diploma in Occupational safety, Health & Environment Management
Fundamental of Safety

Management principles and types of management, general principles of management, managerial role, authority, responsibility and power, span of management, delegation and decentralization of authority, Safety, health and environment management(SHE), occupation Safety, health and Environmental Safety Management – Principal and Practices, Role of management in industrial safety, Organization behaviaraion human factors contributing to accident, Planning for safety: definition, purpose, nature, scope and procedure, range of planning, variety of plans, Organization: definition, need, nature and principles, Organizing for safety, health and environment Organization structure, functions and responsibilities.

Occupational Disease

Lung diseases, Upper respiratory tract disorders, Skin disorders, Infections, Cancer, Hematologic disorders, Cardiovascular disorders, Liver disorders, Renal disorders, Neurological disorders, Reproductive disorders, Developmental disorders, Musculoskeletal disorders, Animal workers, military personnel, veterans, others, Evidence­based  teaching point summary, Strong work, Competent and sound work, Deficient  but  acceptable  work, Methods of Instruction and Work Expectations, Diagnosis of Occupational / Environmental  Disease, Reproductive Toxins, Occupational dermatology, Low-back pain, Keeping injured workers at work.

Environment Management

Agriculture and the environment, Water and its management, Oceans and fisheries, Managing natural hazards, The atmosphere and human activities, Human population, distribution and density of population, growth of the human population, population structure, managing human population size, strategies for managing atmospheric pollution, causes, impacts, and strategies for their reduction, smog, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, and enhanced greenhouse effect, Natural ecosystems and human activities, Techniques for investigation and examination.

Storage & Handling of hazardous Substance

Identify and classify a hazardous chemical’s class and type, Demonstrate ways to assess and manage the hazards associated with chemicals, Re-label any new transfer bottles, Implement the proper procedures for responding to spills, emergencies, or injuries, Maintain an accurate chemical inventory, Physical Hazard Examples, Product Identifier, Chemical Safety Training, Standard Operating Procedures, Explosive Chemicals, Potentially Explosive Chemicals, Chemical Safety Training, Preparing for Emergencies, Compressed Gases.

Risk Assessment & Audit

Internal Control-Concepts, Classical Variables Sampling, Review of Statistical Sampling, Principles of Risk and Risk Management, Concepts and definitions of risk and risk management, risk analysis and evaluation, Risk management standards, Risk responses and risk treatment, Enterprise risk management, introduction and identification, Practice of Risk Management, Risk assurance and reporting, Risk strategy and framework, Risk culture, appetite and tolerance, Case studies in organisational risk management, Main learning units and topics.

Industrial hygiene

Occupational Health and Environmental Safety Management, Safety at Workplace, Accident Prevention Techniques, Safety Management System and Legislation, Quality Control and Safety Management, Safety Engineering, In-plant Training and Visits, Introduction and Scope, Monitoring for Safety, Health and Environment, Occupational Health and Environmental Safety Education, Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Management, Safety at Workplace, Introduce the Safe use of machines and tools, Recognise the different industrial hazards, Industrial Hazards.

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